Sunday, October 16, 2011

Up! Up!

Little Boy, like all little kids, asks to be picked up about an average 1,956.2 times a day. It makes me laugh every time because he says, "Up! Up!" with his arms in the air and his hands motioning simultaneously.

LB and I were playing around on the bed yesterday when I pretended to fall back. This time it was Little Boy who was pulling me up - by the arms of my shirt. He pulled me up and followed up with a hug around my neck. I may just start falling back a lot more!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Mmm, Mmm Good!

Little Boy loves food and as his mommy, I love that he loves ALL food - most especially healthy food! I have some great memories of LB learning to eat watermelon and corn on the cob this summer.

This week, the newest addition to his regular diet was a whole apple. It started when LB was helping me pack my lunch one morning and he tried to take a bite out of my apple.  Later in the week, I was snacking on an apple when Little Boy leaned in with his mouth opened, in his little way of begging for food. (Yes, LB is one tail short of being classified a puppy.) Little Boy bit right on in, just like a grown person.  He was happy and I had to grab a new apple from the fridge.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Back it Up

Little Boy copies what Husband and I say - and we really do have to be careful what comes out of our mouths. We also laugh constantly at what he chooses to repeat or what it sounds like when his little mouth says it. Sheep sounds sounds a lot like a word we don't want LB to repeat, but he follows it up with "Baa" so we know he really is talking about the animal.
Not too long ago, Husband and I felt like we were constantly telling LB to back away from the TV. In an effort to nag less (already, my little man has managed to tune me out), I said, "Back up. Beep! Beep! Beep!"Not only did it work, now any time LB decides to back up, he says, "Beep! Beep! Beep." He beeps when cars back up, when the shopping cart backs up, when he backs away from the stove, when he backs into my lap, and when he crawls backwards down the stairs.  He just has the sweetest little voice, especially when he's beeping!

As long as he doesn't beep when I back up, it'll remain pretty darn cute!